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“What is left, after rejecting so much?”

>>>I know, right?! People truly will like you better as a mindless sheep instead of as an intellectual wet blanket 😂

(whiny voice) “Thinking’s just too hard!”

“Merriam Webster: ‘anarchism - a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.’”

>>> I can read this as the Land of Spiritual Make-Believe -or- I can read it as unwittingly or intuitively hearkening back to our native, pre-civilized form of small band/ small tribe hunter-gatherer governance.

“‘I feel that we have tipped past the point of no return on the macro level. The world - its defining myths, narratives, and structures - will fall apart without my help.’

Charles Eisenstein”

>>> I’ve been phrasing this kind of sentiment as “The Iron Age has finally ended, Thank God! The curve of the trajectory of our species’s technological + moral co-evolution is right now at an inflection point, furthermore the sharpest inflection point ever.

(But which way will the curve go? Up or down? 😂🤣)

“Especially while reading Desmet’s work, I am less inclined than ever to believe that there are malevolent, evil people trying to ruin the world - difficult and twisted as it is to imagine, the most corrupt bureaucrat or CEO is likely to believe that s/he is working for good. And I am understanding for the first time that a ruling elite does not necessarily create totalitarianism - rather, the totalitarian system itself can create a ruling elite. Therefore, eliminating the ruling class, even if it were possible, would not remove the Problem.”

>>> I disagree. Yes, they are evil. They are deluded, but that does not excuse their evil.

And most of us Workin’ Stiffs lie somewhere between stupid and evil.

Otherwise, agree. We cause them to exist more than they cause us to exist. “We have met the enemy, and they R us.”

The enemy are the crabs that pull us down back into the pot as we try to escape. They are adult in years, but their reasoning was fossilized at an adolescent stage of black ‘n’ white thinking. These are the lower 33%, hopeless, who can never un-learn the brainwashing. It’s the middle 33% that can be awakened from their mindless crablike Unexamined life. So, it’s with them that Good Men’s hope lies 😂, the (whiny voice) “but thinking’s so hard” crowd.

Maybe we got lucky this time, with RonaMania. In 2020 I feared that I & my family wouldn’t be able to avoid the shots. I worried that the middle 33% could be wakened only by events on the scale of a Dresden-style firebombing - but that still the lower 33% wouldn’t ‘get it,’ not even as they were chipping mortar off of old bricks in order to reuse those bricks to rebuild the city.

“That mirror analogy is a strangely two-way street, both intimidating and inspiring. I am carrying it with me into 2023, while I hold a new resolution: feel my feelings, and let go of bitterness. Holding onto it characterized more of my emotions over the past three years than I wish. I don’t yet know what and whom I can trust, and this liminal state is difficult to explain to my children.”

>>> Trust the people who’ve earned it & deserve it.

“I no longer believe that big government in the USA will ever work for the people - the bloated one we have is too rotten and corrupt.”

>>> This might indicate that you are a Constitutionalist, possibly a Conservative. There are atheist & homosexual Conservatives, by the way, and furthermore Conservatives who don’t call themselves Republican.

“I tell my kids that I hope the government can be dismantled and decentralized in a miraculously speedy and peaceful way, while I simultaneously try to settle in for the long haul in case Whatever Happens Instead is less pleasant and occurs on a time scale outside of my lifetime.”

>>> My kids aren’t old enough to hear this part yet, but I’ve told it to my wife, “Taking a cue from history (Roman Empire, British Empire), sometimes life is easier on the periphery of an empire than back home in the Motherland.” So, that’s why I asked my wife to follow me back to her native Japan.

Otherwise, we were going to drop out & “return to the land” as best we could.

“What I seek is an uneasy peace: to simultaneously work enthusiastically for what’s right, while acknowledging that the pace of societal degeneration is accelerating. I must find moments of peace for the sake of my children, to help them and myself find our place in this world.

My dream is for our children to navigate this suffocating political and economic system without becoming enslaved to a two-parents-working-grind; for our grandchildren to never even encounter addictive, health-destroying, immune-system-disabling preposterously-termed processed “foods”; for our great-grandchildren to be born into a time when endocrine disrupting Forever Chemicals and disposable plastic packaging are antiquities of a bygone era; and for our great- great-grandchildren to have so VERY many more important and fun things to do than consume entertainment and advertising, thereby relegating propaganda to the status of Quite Difficult To Dispense.”

>>> They call it the Curse of Awareness for a reason, Plato’s Cave, or Cassandra’s fate. The curse is one of loneliness. That’s why you have to ‘find God,’ one way or another, so that you can survive psychologically & morally as you’re building the Ark while all the sheeple are laughing at you.

This is what Intensive Agricultural Civilization does to people. It perverts our nature in definable, predictable ways. Salvation, likewise, is definable & predictable, regardless of language, creed, & color. “The more things change the more they stay the same” has been true for 5,000+ years of Intensive Agricultural Civilization because plant-centered dieting was unavoidably predicated upon slave labor - all the way up until 19th century hydrocarbon technologies, hence 19th century socialistic idealism, hence this most remarkable “inflection point” that I’m talking about: the End of the Iron Age, **finally,** phew! 😅

What’s next? Either a Star Trek-style socialistic utopia? wherein the biological wild-type Human Spirit is actually cultivated by our technology? instead of suppressed by it? -or- a Borg-like, 1984-like utter domestication of our species, totally breaking our Spirit, in the manner of chickens & sheep?

The latter implies that actually our species failed to survive the End of the Ice Age during which we evolved physiologically & psychologically. It’d imply that grass-centered dieting did not save us after all, nor did our gods of the domesticated cereal grains save us. In some future fossil record, Intensive Agricultural Civilization will be assessed as our species’s death throes: a 10,000-year tragic end-of-life experience with chronic malnutrition, chronic overwork, & inescapable madness after the loss of our native food source & our native way of life, which was Earth’s now extinct Pleistocene terrestrial megafauna, under which conditions We became Us.

And We still are that Us 👍🙂❤️

Building the Ark, in scientific terms, just means waking up to who ‘n’ what we are, physiologically & psychologically.



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