And the “vaccine” madness...

Will those who ostracized you (and me) ever admit they were wrong? I doubt it.

“Get the shot! Stop transmission now! We are in thus together!”

Except... it doesn’t. And now we know it was never tested for transmission.

“Get the shot! YOU WILL NOT GET COVID!”

Except it doesn’t prevent infection.

“Get the shot! It doesn’t prevent transmission or infection (!!) but it will prevent hospitalization!”

Except it doesn’t, and the majority of those hospitalized are vaxed and boosted.

“Get the shot, it will prevent death!”

Except it doesn’t - all-cause mortality has increased dramatically world-wide since the introduction of the vax.

“The shot is safe and effective!”

Except it’s anything but. Thousands of doctors (FLCCC) are seeing vaccine-damaged patients every day. We now read of hundreds of young people dying in their sleep or athletes dying on the field or actors “dying suddenly” EVERY DAY.

And like ostriches we ignore the reality and continue to trust the most corrupt, profit driven unelected mouthpiece for the Covid response - Big Pharma.

Follow the money - $100 billion in profits for Pfizer, and you’ll find the answer to this mass hypnosis.

Proud to share this journey of awakening with you Sarabeth❤️

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Thank you for articulating all this. I appreciate it immensely.

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Lovely summary!

And Erich Fromm’s 1941 /Escape From Freedom/ explains the pre-WW2 sheeple, who are these same RonaMania sheeple, today. I read it in ‘94 as a 21-year-old __boy__. WW2 seemed distant, and something like that “could never happen here” 😂

Anyways, my reply:

Under artificial conditions of Intensive Agricultural Civilization, most human beings never achieve adult reasoning skills. Just consider the very broad base to the age-population distribution curves. Pop culture, for millennia, has been calibrated to socioeconomic structures of slavery & servitude unto concentrated, privatized, dynastic wealth wherein the majority of the population is under age 15, and only a small minority survive past 50.

Just consider the fast food landscape and our legal system. Pop culture today is __still__ calibrated to a 12-year-old morality & a 14-year-old intellect: Just don’t kill, rape, or rob anybody on your way to ‘n’ from work, and you’ll never show up on Society’s Radar Screen.

Life has been short & brutal under Mother Unnatural agricultural socioeconomic systems such that most Workin’ Stiffs never achieved psychological adulthood.

Only very recently, thanks to 19th century hydrocarbon technologies, has human height & life spans returned to something resembling Mother Nature’s intention for our species. Hence a national cultural “ennui” that understandably results when the overwhelming majority of an Intensive Agricultural population of adult intellects survives unto its Silver & Golden Years & beyond yet has no better answers to the Existential Dilemma than the recently discarded Copper Age & Iron Age religious philosophical misunderstandings of the physiological & psychological nature of our species.

Is this “ennui” (typically attacked by Team Red as “materialism”) what’s wrong with the Boomers? 😂 Well we shouldn’t laugh at their failures to resolve the Existential Dilemma because their problems are our problems too, except worse because GenX has much less money 😂, but worse still for the Millennials, and worse still for GenZ.

When I was a kid, I didn’t know that I was smart, and I didn’t know that most people aren’t. I mistakenly believed that something was wrong with __me__, not them. In retrospect, what I was observing in middle school was the Light going out of my classmates’ eyes. Our dysfunctional socioeconomic system kills the biological wild-type Human Spirit.

Most of my sense of Self was predetermined. The small part that I can play on my personal journey to self-actualization is just to keep myself moving toward the Light instead toward debauchery 😂

We are merely products of our geography + biology. If I had been born into a different body then I would be a different person. Ditto that for the time & place of my birth.

As far as the Seven Deadly Passions, there’s nothing more passionately proud of oneself than the delusion that he is self-made; that’s real satanism right there, ironically. Genuinely transcending ones biology + geography begins with acknowledging it & accepting its limitations

Anyways, we’re surrounded by fxxxing morons. Always have been - but the optimist in me thinks we won’t always be 👍🙂❤️

There actually is such a thing as becoming the “who ‘n’ what you were meant to be,” such a thing as God knowing you even before you were born, but the explanation is simply & eloquently Human Evolutionary Biology.

People don’t choose to be morons. I didn’t choose to be smart. I would’ve chosen to be normal because being different is very, very painful to the point of suicide.

Forgive the sheeple? Forgive the TV-believers? It’s really a meaningless question. Rather, “forgiveness” is an Iron Age misunderstanding of trauma, PTSD, of how it happens & what to do about it.

Only some of these RonaManaical witch burners are narcissists or sociopaths. Most of them are just morons, simple as that, and when frightened the morons react like any ol’ frightened animal reacts.

—> Their relationship to Authority is analogous to an abused child’s futile & desperate & delusional & l.i.f.e.l.o.n.g. search for his narcissistic parents’ love <—

And that’s not a coincidence. It has been a artefact of Intensive Agricultural Civilization for 5,000+ years - precisely because not many of us achieve psychological adulthood .

And up until the internet, we were individually very isolated, one from the other.



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