And from something I wrote a friend today, which just happens to be on your topic:


[Our son’s] 12-year-old intellect can only accept a limited amount of information that is contrary to the messages that he receives from his Japanese peer group,

and from the Japanese gov’t schools,

and from the dysfunctional Japanese popular culture,

BUT he actually ***believes*** his parents, who truly do raise all the children in a home environment that is properly centered on the children’s developmental needs.

Plus, he is repulsed by the odor & taste of processed foods. He has retained a Mother Natural sense of taste & smell because he was raised on only Real Food; we successfully avoided training him onto the pop cultural food source.

So, at 12 years old, [our son’s] faith in his parents is transitioning from a wholly childishly unreasoned faith to an adolescently reasoned faith that is grounded in observable causes-and-effects.

Although Ancestral Eating is antithetical to the religious world view, in this particular way, I relate to the US’s religious cultural conservatives who are fighting pop culture every G.d. step of the way:

at the K-12 gov’t indoctrination camps and at the TV/ msm indoctrination.

It’s just that I’m indoctrinating my children in Human Evolutionary Biology instead of in Copper Age & Iron Age religious philosophical misunderstandings about the physiological & psychological nature of our species 👍🙂

But I admire the churchgoers in many respects (even as they would hate me plus feel sorry for my children being raised in an “atheistic” home environment, which they would consider child abuse, literally).

But I admire them for being counter-cultural; today’s counter-cultural “Cool Kids” & “Rebels” are the churchgoers, the sexually modest, & non-divorced people who, furthermore, do NOT trust the gov’t.

Oddly, the 1960’s counter-cultural types have turned into proponents of the Status Quo, including apologists for Censorship & the War Machine & for the Intelligence Agencies (i.e. the American KGB).

In a strange kind of role reversal, today’s cultural conservatives & Red voters & churchgoers are nowadays the USA’s genuine social justice warriors + countercultural movement.

I’m a scientist, so I’m not aligned with them, whom I consider “scientifically illiterate” and “functionally innumerate,” but I value their existence as counter-cultural types. I esteem their moral codes, despite many shortcomings in those moral codes, as superior the majority’s moral codes, liberal though I am, like the majority is liberal.

Anyways, making myself geographically isolated in the fringe-rural Tokyo metro really doesn’t change my emotional isolation from the US (& Anglosphere & Western) pop culture nowadays, not really 😂😂😂



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I live in the progressive Bay area California and was stunned by the shift to authoritarianism, and many of my friends and acquaintances falling in line.

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Part 1, you did say “Part 1,” but it ended abruptly. The essay was just getting started, and I was just settling down into it. This is good stuff, <<exciting>>, and I was getting into it 👍🙂 Then it just stopped 😂

My mom told me to cut the pie, then let your friends take their pieces first.

I tell my biracial (& binational & bicultural & bilingual) kids that they’ll have to be better than average just to break even in Japan. I’ve heard black USAians say their parents talked to them this way.

I tell them that Copper Age & Iron Age religion are strange ways to understand God. I tell them that nobody can tell them who they are nor who God is; they’ll have to figure those two things out for themselves.

As for politics, I tell them that the universally Mother Natural human socioeconomic moral code can be deduced from the empirical evidence from 40,000-year-old physiologically Modern & psychologically Modern Man.

The thought experiment is grounded in the physical evidence (scientific data). The point of departure for seeking answers to socioeconomic questions of sexual & financial morality proceed from imagining a small hunter-gatherer troop of a couple dozen members:

You follow the herds. You travel light; there’s nothing to own but your own pride.

The rule of law is via Prestige, not via Power. Prestige is granted to you by your troop as a function of your Person, your Self, & your real ‘n’ true Merits, which are plain to see.

The division of labor is along the lines of age and sex. The socioeconomic system is We-all-do-better-when-we-all-do-better. Each member is essential; no one is dispensable.

Very briefly, these are the socioeconomic conditions under which our psyche evolved, and under which psychologically Modern Man existed for for tens of thousands of years before anyone baked bread for the first time (and began worshipping deities of the Domesticated Grass Seed).

Concluding here (because I don’t want to overshare), our psyche today & our innate sense of Fairness is the same as 40,000+ years ago. Morality doesn’t come from Stone Tablets but from our Evolution.

Agricultural Civilization has been a mixed blessing, morally speaking. On the one hand, it has enabled us to intellectually graduate from the Childish phase out our evolution, but in the other hand, this continues to be a painful Adolescent period.

We Workin’ Stiffs nowadays are as scientifically illiterate & functionally innumerate as our recent forebears were in Darwin’s day ‘n’ age. Just as they were generally too ignorant of math & science to understand the implications of Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, Workin’ Stiffs today, including the overwhelming majority of university educated Workin’ Stiffs, are too ignorant of math & science to transcend the circular & self-referential so-called “political discourse,” which invariably is grounded in False Assumptions about the psychological nature of our species.

It assumes that Neolithic pyramidal, hierarchical socioeconomic structures of slavery & servitude unto concentrated, privatized, dynastic wealth is Mother Natural (whether you call it “Free Market” or “Communism, Centrally Planned;” scientifically speaking, ‘capitalism’ & ‘collectivism’ are synonymous terms).

No, deep down in everyone’s heart (except for, unfortunately, a significant portion of any given Agriculturally Civilized human population, regardless of culture & religion, who are in fact genuinely Narcissistic and/ or Sociopathic), deep down in every human being’s heart is precisely the We-all-do-better-when-we-all-do-better socioeconomic system under which we became Human & existed as psychologically Modern Man for tens of thousands of years.

In contrast, Copper Age & Iron Age religious philosophical misunderstandings about the psychological nature of our species restricts our imagination in the “political discourse” to the recent, 5,000+ year-long Intensive Agricultural experience with capitalism-collectivism, which are synonymous terms, scientifically speaking.

“Left?” and “Right?”

Capitalism & Collectivism are synonymous terms, scientifically speaking.



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